I am very much glad to communicate with you through this digital platform of our esteemed organisation known as BVM college of pharmacy Gwalior M P. The pharmacy profession is undergoing a rapid change. From a Production and Quality Control Chemist earlier, the Pharmacist is today emerging as a Health Care Professional, being involved not only in the safe and efficacious manufacture of drugs and pharmaceuticals, but also in newer profiles demanding their discovery, development, clinical research and community . Simultaneously, a need for high quality standards of drugs and pharmaceuticals comes from the emergence of resistant infections, newer disease conditions and a deeper knowledge of biological and immunological processes. The increased competition to deliver such measures has resulted in fast developing technologies too, that have revolutionized the Pharmacy profession with a large socio-economic relevance to the Indian economy. The academic programs offered by the institution are comprehensive and continuously being updated to keep pace with the latest developments and innovations in associated with discipline. Newer programs are regularly added in accordance with the industry needs and academic requirements.
We are looking for student, who can utilize our high standard of teaching-learning services offered by qualified teachers, using state-of-the-art audiovisual aids. Our objective is to create qualified, innovative and dynamic professionals for corporate sectors, the service industries for academic & research institutions of social-economic importance.
We have created a secured, congenial and serene environment for both boys and girls students to make it their coveted educational destination. And we are only in the process of continual further development